Prayer Requests
Our CARE team is passionate about prayer. If you have a prayer request, please submit your request!

Helping Hands
Part of our care ministry includes helping meet the needs of our congregation and community. If you are in need of financial assistance, please click the button below to submit your request.

Memorial Services
When you lose a loved one, everything can seem like a blur. Our care team is here to help organize and facilitate memorial services during the bereavement time. Please click here or call the church at 209 567-3200 to schedule a memorial service:
Care counseling provides an opportunity to meet with one of our trained counselors who will take a solution-based approach to help you develop your relationship with God so that He may reveal His direction for you in navigating through whatever situation or season you find difficult. Our goal is to assist you in discovering a way to overcome life’s hurdles so that you find your way back to the path God has set for you. We view all struggles from within the context of Scripture and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit.
We begin by inviting God into every session and endeavor to hear from Him as we go through the healing process.
What is Care Counseling
- Solution focused counseling by non-professional trained and dedicated volunteers in a confidential, Bible and Christ-centered setting.
- Compassionate listening, encouragement and guidance, on a biblical foundation.
- Partnership with the goal to clarify problems, express and examine feelings, resolve conflicts, all within healthy personal boundaries.
- Includes 6 to 8 fifty-minute sessions within a 90-day time frame.
- Care Counseling is free of charge to church members and members of the community.
What Care Counseling is Not…
- Professional ongoing therapy or licensed life coaching.
- Treatment Center/professional counseling for afflictions, such as, mental illness, addiction or abuse, should counseling determine the problem requires professional attention.
Think you can benefit from Care Counseling?
Click the button below to complete the form. Our team will aim to reach out to you within a week.