Why Missions?
We believe that “Missions” is both a lifestyle which every Christian is called to live on a personal level in their everyday lives, and also a responsibility of the local church to approach on a broader scale.
In Acts 1:8 we read Jesus’ mandate to his disciples, that they are to be His witnesses in “Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” This is a great model to use when we consider how we adopt an “On Mission” mindset, both individually, and as a church body!
Global Missions Opportunities
Global Opportunties
Below you’ll find out more about upcoming global missions trips we are sending. If you’re interesing in any of them at all, click the “I’m Interested” button below.
Cambodia - June 2025
Kenya - July 2025
Local Opportunities
Below you’ll find out more about our locally based partners and some of the ways that you can engage with them through the church!
Church in the park
Once a month we send a team to Church in the Park. Church in the Park aims to feed the body and souls of those in need, and their mission is to bring those who are willing into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
They do this through a church service hosted in a local community park every Sunday. If you’re interested in joining our team that serves this effort, click the “I’m Interested” button below!
Through the generosity of the people of Shleter Cove, below are a list of the organizations and ministries that are financially supported by the the church. You’ll notice that a few folks on the list below don’t have a lot of details listed. The reason for this is that we support some families that are currently serving in areas that are hostile to the gospel.
Global Partners
Below are all the missionaries that are operating on a global scale.
Agape Children’s Ministry
Agape Children’s Ministry is bringing the hope of Jesus Christ to street children in Kenya. Agape rescues children from dangerous situations, and through individualized reunification plans, equips them mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for long-term success at home with their families.
Rachel Brown
Rachel is a full-time missionary serving with Youth With a Mission San Diego/Baja in Ensenada, Mexico. She has served in various roles over the years she has been with YWAM but is currently helping to staff the Mission Adventures program.
Axel & Rebekah Torres
Axel and Rebekah are full-time Missionaries serving with Youth With a Mission San Diego/Baja in Ensenada, Mexico. They serve with Hope Zone kids ministry as well as Homes of Hope.
Chad & Lisa*
Chad and Lisa* are full time missionaries working in areas hostile to the gospel, partnering with an organization that works to establish biblical churches among language groups with no church or access to the gospel.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
Jens & Annie Erickson
Jens and Annie Erickson are full-time missionaries serving in Lima, Peru with Network of International Schools. Jens teaches, Annie serves the school in various capacities, and both have a huge heart to see the students and their families come to a saving knowledge of Christ as well as to grow in their relationships with Him.
Tony & Holly Freitas
Tony and Holly Freitas are full time missionaries serving all over the world with Reach Global. Tony is the Director of Community hope and trains church leaders in community development, while Holly is the Director of Program Development for the Global Fingerprints Sponsorship Program.
Josh & Corrin Michaelis
Josh and Corrin are full-time missionaries serving with Youth With A Mission San Diego/Baja in Ensenada, Mexico. They have both served in various roles over their years with YWAM but they are currently leading the Mission Adventures program, which Shelter Cove’s high school ministry participated in for their annual Mexico mission trip.
Tardiff Family
Adam and Jeana are full-time missionaries serving with Youth With a Mission San Diego/Baja and live in Ensenada, Mexico along with their sons Noah, Eli, and Amos. Adam and Jeana serve in various roles with YWAM including a new CrossFit gym ministry.
Worldlink Ministries
Worldlink Ministries is an evangelistic force training and deploying Christian leaders who are planting churches and saturating their area with the gospel. They desire to motivate and mobilize local teams of believers to reach their own countries for Christ.
Local Partners
Below are all the missionaries that are operating right here in the central valley.
Church in the Park
The purpose of Church in the Park is to feed the body and souls of those in need, and their mission is to bring those who are willing into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
City Ministry Network
City Ministry Network exists to listen to and advocate for Modesto’s most vulnerable communities, connecting community and sector leaders to work collaboratively for maximum effect, so all families can thrive. Their team, made up of government, business, non-profit, faith and community leaders, are actively working to build relationships with other organizations and working to inspire and equip leaders.
Modesto Gospel Mission
Modesto Gospel Mission provides daily shelter, meals, showers, Bible studies, life skills classes, clothing, job training and assistance, addiction recovery, a medical clinic, and more to thousands of homeless men, women, and children. The Mission helps broken people in our community get off the streets and radically change their lifestyle through many programs and services.
Modesto Pregnancy Center
Modesto Pregnancy Center is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to protecting the unborn, providing for those facing unplanned pregnancies and post abortion trauma, and promoting healthy relationships through a system of support with the love of Jesus Christ.
Without Permission
Without Permission exists to lead the church and community into the battle that will end sex trafficking. They restore the victimized, educate the youth to prevent exploitation, and attack the lies that drive demand.
Youth For Christ
YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.