December Expenses - $330,000
As God continues to bring more people to Shelter Cove, it would be so awesome if we were able to build upministry funds now, strategically stewarding our resources to help absorb cost fluctuation throughout the year.While we can’t predict every increase or need that will arise, my prayer is that when you give to God’s ministry at Shelter Cove, you give knowing we intentionally seek God’s wisdom and direction and are continually focused on building the Kingdom as we pursue God’s Mission & Vision for us.
Fight Human Trafficking - $10,000
Without Permission is an organization here in Modesto that fights human trafficking in our area. Agape International Missions (AIM) is an organization in Cambodia that seeks to free hearts, lives, and communities from trafficking. Both organizations work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of victims who are trapped in a cycle of abuse and exploitation.
When I think of the victims of human trafficking, my heart breaks, and it makes me think: how can we, as a church, be difference–makers for the ones experiencing this devastation? What can we do as a church to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to put the gospel to practice for people who are so often overlooked and undervalued? James 1:27 says “religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction”. As followers of Jesus—whose heart is for the lost—our hearts are to be for the lost, too. Shelter Cove, if there’s something that we can do to make a positive impact for thosewho are close to the heart of God, then I want us to be a church that steps out in faith to make a difference.
Kingdom Impact - $120,000
In the past, we have done large-scale events at Fall and Christmas that have been the bridge to our community, and they were great opportunities for us to give people a positive experience with church. There are awesome stories of people stepping up to serve or reconnecting with church because of these events, and I’m humbled by the ways God used these events for His purposes.
This year, to maximize our Kingdom impact, we’re designing these events to wrap around weekend services. We want families and individuals to experience a worship service, make personal, meaningful connections with church family, and have a great time enjoying fun activities. Previously, the event itself was the bridge between the community and the church. Now—you are. Having one bridge is great, but what’s better is having a church full of believers continually bridging the gap, connecting people with the love and hope that’s found only in Jesus.
One of the challenges of the exciting growth we are experiencing is the increased cost of doing ministry. But we trust that where God guides, He provides. We prayerfully consider how to do ministry as cost-effectively as possible, stewarding the resources He’s given us well, doing everything we can to reach every lost person in the Central Valley because now, more than ever, people need Him. My desire is to maximize our Kingdom impact in 2024, to see more people transformed into fully devoted followers of Jesus. To do this, we need your help.
At the end of the day, the reality of doing more ministry comes down to cost and manpower.
We know that having more men, women and children on campus requires more childcare, more study materials, more supplies, more building maintenance, more volunteers… the logistics can be overwhelming. But then I think, what a privilege it is for God to entrust us to do more as a church body!