The value of someone praying on someone’s behalf is an immeasurable blessing! But there can be any number of reasons why people don’t ask for it. It could be they feel shame or embarrassment, simply aren’t aware of the need, or they aren’t walking closely with the Lord so prayer isn’t on their mind. Or, perhaps the opposite is true but they just plain need fellow believers to come alongside them in this way.That’s where intercessory prayer comes in. And don’t hold back–someone in your life needs your fervent, perseverant prayers!

Pray for those who:

…know Jesus, that they would be strengthened in their walk with Him.

…don’t yet know Him, that their hearts would yearn for more.

…have wronged you, to forgive and love them as Jesus would. 

…are abandoned, undervalued, abused. 

…are suffering a circumstance or illness.

…are bound by the sin in their life and need to experience the grace and mercy of Jesus.

The list could go on, and we encourage you to ask God to direct your prayer for others in this time. Write down the people He leads you to and commit to lifting them up daily.